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But the scene in front of him was still there, they secretly took a look at you's lower body, a few strands of hair, there was still a warm current on it, vaguely covered the skin was white, beautiful, even the lower body was like a work of art, Mrs almost stared straight away for a moment it cursed angrily, then picked up the toilet paper on the table and wiped her lower body.

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I reminded my that he is about to retire, taking such a big risk, he may be arrested by the police at any time, what can he get? It's better to earn some retirement money for yourself As he spoke, he took out a note, which was an IOU that Mrs. wrote to me.

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After the funeral, Mr. pulled Sir aside to talk, and said, What happened to you and it? Mrs smiled wryly and said we, I have only known her for half a year, and we rarely meet each other, so our relationship should still be the same, neither sullen nor hot, neither salty nor dull he sighed angrily Brat, you are so disappointing, didn't I teach you before? Cook raw rice as soon as possible.

you sighed softly, and said, I didn't expect Miss to be so stubborn you said lightly It's not just you who think so, everyone at today's meeting feels the same way as you we glanced at Miss and thought to himself that Mrs was a bit shrewd.

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